Sunday 23 April 2006


Spent this afternoon reading 'emergency sex' - which sounds rather provocative but is in ways more political then armorous. It's written by three UN workers (2 american, 1 nz), about aid missions they were on in the 1990s, and is quite fascinating. They're honest about the inexcusable actions (and withdrawals) the UN takes in Haiti, Somalia and Bosnia, and the consequences, and they are willing to name those responsible (such as Clinton and Annan), which is refreshing. And they are open too about their initial idealism and subsequent disillusionment with the body and its work, and their own roles. I have been mulling over the ideas behind interventions - both UN style and the volunteer/aid worker/NGO models - for a while, but will post about that another time.

I must admit it was exciting to read about people choosing to live life differently; volunteering in PNG is in a different, minor league, but it's always reassuring to know that there are others out there who need something more than a steady job out of life. And must also confess that, despite it all, at the end I did go to the UN's webpage to check out their current vacancies (nothing for me at the moment).

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