Tuesday 10 May 2005

all morning the morning has been blackening

we had a stunner of a morning yesterday.
sister organised sending flowers for mothers' day.
sis: Tulips and 'stocks' - does anybody know what 'stocks' are? and apparently very pretty.
me: stocks? hm...sounds like a lie - that's not a flower! it's a bulb. it's what they called flowers in 1944 in germany
sis:...in hovels under grey german skies with the smell of Berlin burning, singing german folk songs to ward away the Russian tanks. Yes, 'stocks' really official flower of misery...the combination of dutch tulips and stocks is now seeming scarily macarbe...

sorry mum.
and sorry for lame post. am battling with fever/flu at the moment. yesterday's morning started beautifully but ended up with sweats and aches and self-pity. awww. almost never get sick so am not good at behaving well.

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