Sunday 5 June 2005

Friday night i hung out with friends and had drinks and pretended to be a card shark (failed); I stayed there that night and was lucky enough to have a kickass scrambled eggs + tomato goulash thing for breakfast. Last night went to a farewell party for a swiss friend. (There were even some earth tremors; up here there are hints of quakes now and then.) There was great live music by two local guys, who are blind (pictured; sounds very volunteerish doesn’t it; but they are really really good, have played down in Moresby with Ocean, a local muso). And later on, dancing. I stayed and today has been spent on a lazy brunch and talk.

detail from m's dress

When I first arrived, meeting the other volunteers and expats felt like a bit of a social experiment; being in png throws very diverse people together. Now that I’ve been here for a bit longer, I’m starting to get to know people more personally; listening to their stories, making new ones. They’re friendships that are different to ones I’ve had before; the situation changes things: some increase in intensity (discussions about life, past experiences, attitudes), other things fade away, less important (the future).

We’re scattered here, briefly. In dots and loops, we overlap and link.

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