Wednesday 13 April 2005

the ethnographic experiences aren't restricted to one colour of people; hanging out with other volunteers and expats is another experiment. so far it's been pretty good; i've made some new friends, and heard some interesting is a funny situation, really: the other night i looked around the table and there were people i would not ever meet otherwise, or get an opportunity to talk to; it's like a social experiment, throwing together these white people, from all over the world, with a language and - momentarily - geography in common.

(oh yeah; the cake - a week or two ago another austn had a a non-vegetarian dinner party - seems majority of volunteers are vegos too. it was a great night; someone brought home brew - pineapple wine with a hint of chilli; yum. i had to bring something for desert, so i braved my old gas oven for the first time and actually made the most delicious banana cake ever. later on we sat on the balcony as it poured with rain and cigars came out. and i don't know if these were particularly refined or i'm getting older, but ... you know, cigars aren't necessarily a bad thing. in fact, can be pretty good.)

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