Sunday 6 March 2005

In Moresby after chewing betel nut. had to try it.

After chewing this small-apricot-sized fleshy nut, you add lime powder to the chew inside your mouth (very corrosive; was told an American poured it onto the sides of his mouth - ow - blood etc; he didn’t complain, thinking local custom…) and mustard seeds (from a mustard seed stick; hadn’t seen these before). The mix makes a bright red paste. Locals chew it all the time - you can tell because their gums and teeth are red. It ain’t the most attractive, but they seem to get a buzz from it. I was warned not to try it on an empty stomach - only after lunch - because white people can find it very strong…I don’t know if I’m doing it wrong, but there was little excitement.

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